The Green Factor - Take your ENERGY and Immune System to the Next Level!
The Green Factor - Take your ENERGY and Immune System to the Next Level!
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and/or infirmity. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help to prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses. A person who has good physical health can expect that all bodily functions and processes working at their peak.
Aloe is a rich source of antioxidant (protects cells against damage) and antibacterial (prevent the growth and/or spread of bacteria) properties. It not only helps to lower blood sugar levels and improve inflammatory conditions of the digestive system, but also accelerates wound healing. Natalensis (also known as Ibhucu in Zula and Rooiwortel in Afrikaans), possesses anti-inflammatory (block substances that cause inflammation) and anti-microbial (substance that inhibits/kills growth of microorganisms) properties and has proved itself to be a highly effective blood cleanser and infection fighter. Olive Leaf due to its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant therapeutic properties has proved effective to maintain the heart (lowering of blood pressure and increasing of blood flow), digestive system, and immune system health. Olive Leaf extract also assists with brain function and with maintenance of natural energy levels. Sutherlandia (commonly known as Cancer Bush) increases the body’s resistance to disease and stress and is useful for the treatment of cancer, diabetes, chronic fatigue, arthritis and depression. Artemisia afra has antiviral (inhibits virus capability to multiply and reproduce), antibacterial (prevent growth and spread of bacteria) and anti-inflammatory activities. It is useful to treat a variety of ailments such as fever, heart inflammation, diabetes, bladder and kidney disorders. Artemisia anua is used for treatment of digestion problems (upset stomach, intestinal spasms) and is also useful in the treatment of muscle pain and memory loss. Black Cumin reduces high blood pressure and high cholesterol due to a main compound (thymoquinone) which has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The properties in Rue helps to soothe nerves, anxiety, general tension and muscle pain/tension. Wild Dagga is used for heart conditions associated with anxiety and tension such as palpitations and fast irregular heartbeats. It also helps with treatment of partial paralysis (stroke). Cayenne Pepper extract has metabolism boosting properties and aids digestive health. Black Pepper has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and can improve cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Hypoxis (also known as the African Wild Potato) is useful for immune related illnesses (cold, flu, arthritis, cancer) and for urinary tract disorders. Pentzia Incana assists with digestive health as it is used to alleviate constipation and stomach aches
60 Capsules